Robertify's Avatar


Robertify is a music bot with a multitude of features that will fit your liking!Default Prefix: `+`Current version: `STABLE-2.0.0`

Prefix +
Library JDA
Servers ???
Owner bombies#4445


Discord A Discord music bot with an easily understood interface and is easy to use!

💫 Features

  • Smooth playback.
  • Server-specific prefixes.
  • Server-specific permissions.
  • Clean and beautiful embedded menus.
  • Supports streaming services such as YouTube, Spotify, Deezer and more.
  • Playlist support. (YouTube, Spotify, Deezer, etc...)
  • Album and artist support for Spotify
  • Toggles for specific features such as the announcing of tracks.
  • Fun commands such as 8ball and polls!
  • And more...

🎶 Supported sources and formats

  • YouTube
  • Spotify
  • Deezer
  • SoundCloud
  • Bandcamp
  • Twitch Streams
  • Beam
  • HTTP Audio Files
  • Local Audio Files (MP3, OGG, M4A, WAV, FLAC)

ℹ️ Examples

  • Playing a song/playlist from YouTube YouTube Example
  • Playing a song from Spotify Spotify Example
  • Manipulating the queue Queue Example

🗣️ Requests Channel

Are the commands a bit too confusing at first? No problem! You can use the easy access requests channel to fully control the bot. Provided below is a guide to set the requests channel up.

Step 1

  • Run the setup command. This will initialize the channel at the top of your channel list.
    • Setup Example

Step 2

  • In order to start playing music, just type the name of the song or the link. The song will automatically be played or added to the queue.
    • Requests Channel Queue Example

Step 3

  • Control the bot using the buttons! The buttons in blue (primary buttons) are the main controls for the bot. They include the previous, rewind, pause/play, stop and skip buttons. In the next row of buttons, there are options to loop the currently playing song, shuffle the queue and disconnect the bot.
    • Requests Channel Interaction Example

🆘 Help

Confused about something? Try taking a look at the help menu that comes with the bot! You can see all help commands and even get help with a specific command. Robertify has so many features that are waiting for you to use, so don't be afraid to explore and have fun! Main Help Menu Specific Help Menu