megaton.'s Avatar


A powerful yet simple moderation bot, with the user's ease in mind.

Prefix k! or mention (customizable)
Servers ???
Privacy Policy k!privacy


Hey, I'm Konke, and I'll keep your server safe easily! I can give you:

  • No-setup Muting
  • DM users when they are kicked, banned, or muted!
  • Easy access to support, just by entering one command me!
  • Low Downtime!
  • Fast Updates!
  • And even more!

Type k!help to see all of Konke's commands!



k!kick - Kicks a user

k!ban - Ban a user

k!mute/unmute - Mutes/Unmutes a user

k!clean - Cleans x messages from a channel


k!ship - Generates a ship between a random two members 😍

k!ai - Talk to a (very bad) AI Chatbot!

k!dog - Fetches a picture of a dog!

k!cat - Fetches a picture of a cat!

k!fox - Fetches a picture of a fox!

k!panda - Fetches a picture of a panda!

k!meme - Fetches a meme from Reddit!


k!whois - Gives you information about a user

k!server - Gives you information about the current server

Help & Support

k!help - Gives you a list of commands!

k!support - Gives you a link to the official Discord Server!

k!invite - Gives you the invite link!
