Avatar de Chelutu Bot

Chelutu Bot

Chelutu Bot is an easy bot to use designed to increase activity on your Discord server.

Préfixe chel!
Bibliothèque discord.js
Serveurs ???
Propriétaire G1cu#1122



Autorole: chel!autorole
Sets a default role for new members (or bots)

Avatar: chel!avatar [user]
Shows yours or someone's profile picture in full size

Botinfo: chel!botinfo
Shows information about me

Help: chel!help
Sends you a message with all of my commands

Knowyourmeme: chel!knowyourmeme [meme]
Shows information about a meme from KnowYourMeme

Osu: chel!osu
Shows an osu! profile

pokedex: chel!pokedex
Shows pokedex's information about a pokémon.

Roleids: chel!roleids
Shows the IDs of the server's roles

Roleinfo: chel!roleinfo <@mention|role id|role name>
Shows information about a specific role.

Serverinfo: chel!serverinfo
Shows information about the server

Stoptyping: chel!stoptyping
Use this if The bot is typing forever

Tmdb: chel!tmdb
Displays the overview of a film/tv show

Topgames: chel!topgames
Shows the most played games in the server.

Weather: chel!weather
Sends over the forecast for the zone specified.