Arcanes Avatar


The best leveling bot on discord. Create rewards, set a levelup channel, and view the leaderboard online.

Prefix a
Bibliotek Other
Servrar 17 844


Arcane includes a simple dashboard for managing rewards, levelup notifications, and xp options. Everything needed for a leveling experience is provided. Arcane provides full configurability over leveling and other settings. If you enjoy Arcane's features consider supporting the bot and gaining access to modifying even more by visiting the Patreon.

Rank command

  • Changing the color of your progress bar coming soon on the dashboard.
  • Multiple embeds and images coming soon

Level Command

Online leaderboard

  • View the #1 ranked user in your server.
  • Scroll down and more users will load for viewing
  • More features coming soon

Leaderboard Command


  • Configure notifications
  • Change xp minimum, maximum, and cooldown.
  • Disable or enable vote boosters
  • Add or create rewards in a few clicks
  • More options coming soon

Settings example