Bot Discord Utilitas

Daftar lengkap bot Discord utilitas milik kami. Semua bot yang tercantum di sini telah disetujui oleh tim moderasi kami untuk memastikan bahwa kualitasnya tinggi.

Avatar ServerMaster

Reaction Roles, Moderation, Giveaways, Twitch Live Notifications…

Avatar Killer Bot

Killer Bot
Moderasyon! | Eğlence! | Kullanıcı!

Avatar Orange Bot

Orange Bot
A fruit-themed bot with fun and useful commands, and even a econ…

Avatar Support Bot

Support Bot
Dynamic ticketing solution for member to staff communication • T…

Avatar Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors
Welcome to the Rock Paper Scissors bot! With this bot you can pl…

Avatar Trash Memer

Trash Memer
Bring some good Memes to your Server!

Avatar AsterieBot

Divination made accessible! I provide in-depth meanings via Taro…

Avatar Chess Stats

Chess Stats
Bot that gives information about a player's and liches…

Avatar Ciro

Un bot completamente italiano, facile da utilizzare

Avatar Axobot

A cool nice-looking multipurpose bot, baked with love and passio…

Avatar GamingBuddy

Wanna play some multiplayer games and search for a gaming buddy?…

Avatar Game Tracker

Game Tracker
A bot that gets in-game stats from your favorite games.

Avatar Glacia

A general purpose bot with quotes, reaction roles, counting, pol…

Avatar Slashtags

Slashtags is a simple slash command tag bot for Discord.

Avatar Santa Bot 🎅

Santa Bot 🎅
Chewie Bot (AKA Santa Bot) will bring Star Wars fun to your serv…