Avatar Tabletop Hat

Tabletop Hat

Plug-n-play tabletop games, complete with easy slash commands & buttons.

Library discord.py
Server ???
Pemilik catshay#0

Slash Commands

  • /connectfour
    Play Connect 4

  • /hangman start word | Opsional definition style infinite
    Start a Hangman game
    • word: The word that people should guess
    • definition: For a bit of extra help, you can optionally provide a definition of your word here
    • style: Which style of Hangman to play. Descriptions of each: tth.shay.cat/hangman/styles
    • infinite: Whether to continue the game even after the man has been hanged. Defaults to false
    /hangman random | Opsional definition style infinite
    Start a Hangman game using a random English word
    • definition: Display the definition of the random word. Defaults to false
    • style: Which style of Hangman to play. Descriptions of each: tth.shay.cat/hangman/styles
    • infinite: Whether to continue the game even after the man has been hanged. Defaults to false
    /hangman guess letter | Opsional game
    Guess a letter for a Hangman game
    • letter: A letter to guess
    • game: The game's ID to guess for. Only required when there are multiple active games in the channel
  • /help
    Some helpful links for this bot

  • /privacy
    Privacy policy

  • /rockpaperscissors
    Play Rock Paper Scissors

  • /russianroulette | Opsional players
    Play Russian Roulette
    • players: The number of players, including yourself
  • /tictactoe | Opsional board
    Play Tic Tac Toe
    • board: The board (horizontal x vertical) to use. Defaults to 3x3
  • /uno players | Opsional cards
    Play UNO
    • players: The number of players, including yourself (4 players means you + 3 others)
    • cards: How many cards each player should start out with (defaults to 7, maximum of 23)