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Echo is a multifunctional discord bot. Made for everyone and their servers. Echo is updated regularly

Prefix /
Library discord.py
Server ???

About Echo

Echo is a multifunctional bot packed with several fun and administrative commands. Echo will be able to fill your server with safety, moderation, and fun. Echo’s key assets are shown with the extensive administrative and fun commands. When brought online, full functionality is available. However, when it is brought offline, we are developing the bot and improving its features. Echo features are updated regally, stemming from our members’ feedback and suggestions.
One month prior to each holiday, Echo will release a command panel made specific to that holiday. It will be removed one to two weeks after each holiday passes. Additionally, Echo does specialty command panels such as one for our military and the Coronavirus. If you’d like a new one created, simply contact our support server and we’d be happy to create one for you!

Having trouble using Echo?

A problem you may encounter when using Echo is the bot may be slow to respond, this is normal, slash commands tale 1-4 seconds to respond. Additionally, some links exist that do not create proper roles; therefore, you will have to create one with enough permissions. If you do not do this, Echo will not work in your server properly. 

Have a suggestion or question?

If you have any suggestions, questions, or problems with Echo, please visit our support server.


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Slash Commands

  • /add a b
    Adds two numbers together.
    • a: Adds two numbers together.
    • b: Adds two numbers together.
  • /admin
    This is just a test command, nothing more.

  • /announce
    Will announce a message.

  • /ban member | Opsional reason
    Ban a user.
    • member: Ban a user.
    • reason: Ban a user.
  • /blowjob
    Blowjob pics and gifs.

  • /boobs
    Boobs pics and gifs.

  • /botutility
    This is just a test command, nothing more.

  • /bug idea
    To report a bug.
    • idea: To report a bug.
  • /cum
    Cum pics and gifs.

  • /donate
    To donate.

  • /eightball question
    Answers a question.
    • question: Answers a question.
  • /flipcoin
    Flips coin.

  • /fun
    This is just a test command, nothing more.

  • /giveaway
    List of bot giveaway commands.

  • /help
    This is just a test command, nothing more.

  • /hentai
    Hentai pics and gifs.

  • /hug member
    Hugs mentioned user.
    • member: Hugs mentioned user.
  • /invite
    To invite echo.

  • /joined member
    Tells you when they specific user joined.
    • member: Tells you when they specific user joined.
  • /kick member | Opsional reason
    Kick a user.
    • member: Kick a user.
    • reason: Kick a user.
  • /kiss member
    Kisses mentioned user.
    • member: Kisses mentioned user.
  • /lockdown | Opsional channel
    Will lockdown everyone role from typing.
    • channel: Will lockdown everyone role from typing.
  • /loop
    A command which loops the currently playing song and the songs in the queue.

  • /music
    This is just a test command, nothing more.

  • /mute | Opsional member time reason
    Will mute a user
    • member: Will mute a user
    • time: Will mute a user
    • reason: Will mute a user
  • /nekogif
    Neko gifs.

  • /nowplaying
    A command that displays the song which is currently playing.

  • /nsfw
    This is just a test command, nothing more.

  • /password | Opsional nbytes
    Sends you a password.
    • nbytes: Sends you a password.
  • /pause
    A command that pauses the current song.

  • /perm_mute member | Opsional reason
    Will mute someone until you unmute them.
    • member: Will mute someone until you unmute them.
    • reason: Will mute someone until you unmute them.
  • /pfp member
    Gives you the profile picture of the specified user.
    • member: Gives you the profile picture of the specified user.
  • /ping
    Ping of the bot.

  • /play song
    A command that searches and plays audio.
    • song: A command that searches and plays audio.
  • /poll args
    Creates a poll.
    • args: Creates a poll.
  • /purge limit
    Will delete messages.
    • limit: Will delete messages.
  • /pussy
    Pussy pics and gifs.

  • /queue
    A command that lists the music queue.

  • /remove element
    A command that removes a song from the given index from the queue
    • element: A command that removes a song from the given index from the queue
  • /removelockdown | Opsional channel
    Will unlock everyone role from typing.
    • channel: Will unlock everyone role from typing.
  • /resume
    A command that resumes the current song.

  • /skip
    Vote to skip a song. The requester can automatically skip.

  • /slap member
    Slaps mentioned user.
    • member: Slaps mentioned user.
  • /slot
    Will play the slot game.

  • /spank | Opsional user
    To spank someone.
    • user: To spank someone.
  • /stop
    Stops playing song and clears the queue.

  • /suggest idea
    Lets you send a suggestion to the developer.
    • idea: Lets you send a suggestion to the developer.
  • /support
    Join for support.

  • /thighs
    Thighs pics.

  • /todaysdate
    Todays date.

  • /unban id
    Unban a user.
    • id: Unban a user.
  • /unmute member
    Will unmute a user.
    • member: Will unmute a user.
  • /utility
    This is just a test command, nothing more.

  • /volume amount
    A command that changes the bot volume.
    • amount: A command that changes the bot volume.
  • /vote
    Vote echo on top.gg.

  • /warn user reason
    Warns a specified user.
    • user: Warns a specified user.
    • reason: Warns a specified user.
  • /website
    Link to echos website.