Avatar Animenetic


Get AI-powered anime recommendations, trending news alerts, and play fun single-player or multiplayer games.

Prefix /
Library discord.py
Server ???
Pemilik Infinil#5777

Main Features

  1. /alert news - Get alerts for latest anime news.

  2. /challenge multiplayer start - Take up a fun anime challenge with others!

  3. /challenge multiplayer leaderboard - Check multiplayer leaderboard for one of the challenges.

  4. /challenge singleplayer start - Take up a fun anime challenge!

  5. /challenge singleplayer leaderboard - Check singleplayer leaderboard for one of the challenges.

  6. /news - Get latest anime news.

  7. /recommend from anime - Get similar recommendations for any anime.

  8. /recommend from anilist - Get anime recommendations for AniList username.

  9. /recommend from myanimelist - Get anime recommendations for MyAnimeList username.

  10. /search - Search for any anime.

Extra Features

  1. /donate :- Donate to support the developer.

  2. /help - Shows the list of commands.

  3. /ping - Get the bot's ping.

  4. /premium - Buy premium to again support the developer 💀