Staff applications are open! Please check our Discord for details on how to apply.

Discord Extreme List

La liste impartiale de Discord, qui donne une grande chance aux bots et aux serveurs de toutes tailles !

Bots Aléatoires

Avatar de Unlimited Bot

Unlimited Bot
Unlimited Bot is a utility bot that makes it easier to run lots …

Avatar de OG Aura

OG Aura
Aura is a Multipurpose bot for use on many different things to h…

Avatar de poxi bot

poxi bot
Explore the web with a magical bot that banishes boredom and sur…

Avatar de Wishlist Doggo

Wishlist Doggo
Henlo fren, add a game to the wishlist, and receive a notificati…

Avatar de Lobby Finder

Lobby Finder
A new way for users to open text and voice lobbies directly on y…

Serveurs Aléatoires

Icône de Raid Defense

Raid Defense
☆=~-.-'-RAID DEFENSE-'-.-~=☆ Our community is dedicated to helpi…

Icône de Soft Winds | Chatting ・ Promos

Soft Winds | Chatting ・ Promos
Welcome to Lunar City! We're a fast-growing community server. Ha…

Icône de join Game dev

join Game dev
🎲join indie 2d game development🖐🌎 🎮project #2, codename: mou…

Icône de Telegram Directory List: Discover Telegram Channels

Telegram Directory List: Discover Telegram Channels
Discover Telegram Channels List - Scopri Lista Canali - Lis…

Modèles Aléatoires

Icône de Servidor Gaming De Streamer

Servidor Gaming De Streamer
Tiene muchos roles que puedes añadir a diferentes usuarios difer…

Icône de Badulaque/bazar para roleplay RP FiveM

Badulaque/bazar para roleplay RP FiveM
Es una plantilla diseñada para un bazar o un badulaque en servid…