Discord Application Command Bots

¡Nuestra lista completa de bots de Discord que se integran con Discord al soportar comandos de barra y/o menús contextuales! Todos los bots enumerados aquí han sido aprobados por nuestro equipo de moderación para garantizar que sean de alta calidad.

Avatar de G.A.S Bot

G.A.S Bot
G.A.S Bot: A bot to remove and protect you from the letter G.

Avatar de Wumplus

Simple Discord bot made to do stuff that you can't do.

Avatar de MoonlightBot

Server moderation the light way! Infraction record-keeping, Temp…

Avatar de Server Status

Server Status
The Server Status Bot keeps you up to date on Discord's server s…

Avatar de Word Game

Word Game
A discord interactive game where players must try to guess the W…

Avatar de Wishlist Doggo

Wishlist Doggo
Henlo fren, add a game to the wishlist, and receive a notificati…

Avatar de Five

Spotify,soundCloud etc. Music Bot! Have Slash Commands!

Avatar de Flipsuite

THE Web 3.0 Discord bot // 14+ chains // Advanced add-ons // Dis…

Avatar de Emoji Generator

Emoji Generator
A fun bot to generate and create emojis using different parts an…

Avatar de MiniBoy

MiniBoy offers moderation tools; giveaways; information; utility…

Avatar de bearger

bearger is a fun bot for your server. he does some useful and so…

Avatar de Truck Simulator

Truck Simulator
Innovative Truck Simulator wrapped into a discord application. D…

Avatar de STW Daily

STW Daily
Claim your Fortnite: STW Daily rewards, research points, and mor…