Discord Application Command Bots

¡Nuestra lista completa de bots de Discord que se integran con Discord al soportar comandos de barra y/o menús contextuales! Todos los bots enumerados aquí han sido aprobados por nuestro equipo de moderación para garantizar que sean de alta calidad.

Avatar de NQN

Emoji everywhere, Telegram stickers, reply to messages, masked U…

Avatar de Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors
Welcome to the Rock Paper Scissors bot! With this bot you can pl…

Avatar de AnimeRater

An AI-Powered anime rater. Just use `/rate_anime` to get ratings…

Avatar de PhotoBox

A Discord bot that creates and morphs images into fun memes or w…

Avatar de Scriptly

The ultimate communication tool for Discord. Featuring audio tra…

Avatar de SkyHelper

A discord bot for the game Sky: Children of the Light

Avatar de Pontifex

An anonymous* confession bot for discord with logging functional…

Avatar de BotFragg

**BotFragg** is a Social Bot which makes to access your Valorant…

Avatar de The Seven Spells Of Destruction

The Seven Spells Of Destruction
Win NITRO by killing the big bad in this unique open world multi…

Avatar de Elysium

Fun and moderation commands including akinator, tictactoe, embed…

Avatar de Apera

Imagine discord music experience, But it’s now enhanced. Users c…

Avatar de Timezones

Timezones bot helps schedule meetings with ease! Use "/time [use…

Avatar de Giftcord

Need a giveaway bot? Well, you can easily manage your Discord se…

Avatar de MoonlightBot

Server moderation the light way! Infraction record-keeping, Temp…