Discord Application Command Bots

¡Nuestra lista completa de bots de Discord que se integran con Discord al soportar comandos de barra y/o menús contextuales! Todos los bots enumerados aquí han sido aprobados por nuestro equipo de moderación para garantizar que sean de alta calidad.

Avatar de Azul Groove

Azul Groove
Music bot with Spotify support YouTube music and more

Avatar de Doggo

Get pictures of cute animals directly integrated into Discord wi…

Avatar de Fwogo

Fwogo is a cute bot that focuses around slash commands! Join the…

Avatar de Connect

Connect is a social media application inside of a Discord bot!

Avatar de Quark Logger

Quark Logger
Advanced moderation and logging. message logging | image logging…

Avatar de OG Aura

OG Aura
Aura is a Multipurpose bot for use on many different things to h…

Avatar de Reacts

A Discord Bot focused on easy to use yet powerful reaction roles…

Avatar de Do The Mario

Do The Mario
Play do the mario in a voice channel by using the /play slash co…

Avatar de BigBot

BigBot is a very useful discord bot that has a variety of featur…

Avatar de Duckers

Random ducks. Whenever you need them. Right in Discord.

Avatar de AutoNickname

The Secret Power of AutoNickname Discord Bot | AutoNickname Disc…