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Martine is a multipurpose bot that can boost the member engagement of your server! Leveling, giveaways, streams alerts and so much more to discover!

Prefix , or /
Servers 89,319
Shards 100
Owner preda__#0

Martine Banner

Martine comes with various features for you and your server, such as:

Leveling Giveaways Games Stats
Increase your members engagment with an advanced leveling system, including many settings from exp, to channels/roles ignore, or roles rewards Host community giveaways with a simple prompt that will walk you through setting up your giveaway, with configurable defaults, and reroll function Get your stats and more informations from multiple games, including League of Legends, Rocket League, Osu, Fortnite and Minecraft!
Nsfw Images General
Tons of nsfw categories to view images with a simple command, send images to anyone who consents to receive, or send images automatically to any nsfw channel Random images of anything, from cats and ducks, to memes and nekos, to wallpapers and art, and any search from Imgur, Giphy or any subreddit A global economy, detailed weather and forecasts for any location, and users interaction commands such as hug, pat, or ship
Welcoming Members Alerts Moderation
Say welcome (or goodbye) to your members with an rendered image (or just a simple message) using the imgwelcome and welcomeset commands Notify when a Twitch or YouTube stream is going live, by using the alerts command Moderation tools to help you and your moderators with kick, ban and mute commands, as well as extensive logging options
Martine is available in many languages, try the /language command in your server to see the available languages

Don't have Martine in your server yet?

Invite her and get started with ,help command or type / to see all slash commands!

Invite me

Or check out all commands that Martine has!

Artwork made by HimuraSoichiro. Martine#4245. ♡

Martine#4245. ♡

Slash Commands

  • /autoporn toggle | Optional channel
    Toggles autoporn in this channel, or a selected channel.
    • channel: The channel to toggle autoporn to.
    /autoporn categories categories
    Select categories for autoporn in this channel. See all categories in /listcategories.
    • categories: The images categories of your choice.

    /autoporn status
    Check autoporn status in this server.

  • /ban user | Optional days reason
    Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of messages.
    • user: The user to ban.
    • days: The amount of days of messages to cleanup on ban.
    • reason: The reason of the ban
  • /bank balance | Optional user
    Show the user's account balance. Default to yours.
    • user: The user to see account balance.
    /bank transfer to amount
    Transfer currency to other users.
    • to: The user to transfer marts.
    • amount: The amount of marts to transfer.

    /bank notifvotes
    Choose if you want to receive votes notifications when voting for the bot on DBL.

    /bank dailyremind
    Choose if you want to receive a remind in DM when you can vote again for Martine.

  • /cookiegift member amount
    Gift someone some yummy cookies.
    • member: The member to steal cookies from. If not provided will select a random member in this server.
    • amount: The amount of cookies.
  • /cookies | Optional member
    Check how many cookies you have.
    • member: The member to show how many cookies they have.
  • /cookiesconfig amount amount
    Set the amount of cookies members can obtain. If 0, members will get a random amount.
    • amount: The amount of cookies.
    /cookiesconfig cooldown seconds
    Set the cooldown for /cookie command in seconds.
    • seconds: The cooldown to set in seconds.
    /cookiesconfig stealcooldown seconds
    Set the cooldown for /cookiesteal command in seconds.
    • seconds: The cooldown to set in seconds.

    /cookiesconfig togglesteal
    Toggle cookie stealing for current server.

    /cookiesconfig set member amount
    Set someone's amount of cookies.
    • member: The member to set cookies to.
    • amount: The amount of cookies.
    /cookiesconfig add member amount
    Add cookies to someone.
    • member: The member to add cookies to.
    • amount: The amount of cookies.
    /cookiesconfig take member amount
    Take cookies away from someone.
    • member: The member to add cookies to.
    • amount: The amount of cookies.
    /cookiesconfig reset | Optional confirmation
    Delete all cookies from all members.
    • confirmation: Confirmation
  • /cookiesleaderboard
    Display the server's cookie leaderboard.

  • /cookiesteal | Optional member
    Steal cookies from members.
    • member: The member to steal cookies from. If not provided will select a random member in this server.
  • /daily
    Get a daily reward of 750 marts for voting Martine on and DBL.

  • /fortnite player
    Get stats of a Fortnite player.
    • player: The player you want to see stats of.
  • /giveaway create | Optional use_config
    Create a giveaway.
    • use_config: Wether you want to use already set config values. Default to False.
    /giveaway end message
    Ends a giveaway early.
    • message: The message jump URL or ID of the giveaway.
    /giveaway reroll message | Optional count
    Re-roll a giveaway.
    • message: The message jump URL or ID of the giveaway.
    • count: The number of winners to re-roll. Default is 1.

    /giveaway list
    List the running giveaways in that server.

    /giveaway config show
    Shows the current giveaway settings of this server.

    /giveaway config resetall
    Reset all settings.

    /giveaway config channel | Optional channelvalue
    Sets the channel where giveaways will run.
    • channelvalue: The channel where the giveaways will be sent. Don't specify to reset.
    /giveaway config host | Optional uservalue
    Set the default host/author.
    • uservalue: The user that will be default giveaway host. Don't specify to reset.
    /giveaway config emoji | Optional emojivalue
    Set the default reaction emoji.
    • emojivalue: The emoji that will be default giveaway emoji. Don't specify to reset.
    /giveaway config joindays | Optional daysvalue
    Set the default requirement for number of days required to be in the server to join the giveaway.
    • daysvalue: The days value that will be default for giveaways. Don't specify to reset.
    /giveaway config roles | Optional role1 role2 role3 role4 role5
    Set the default roles requirement.
    • role1: First required role. Don't specify to reset.
    • role2: Second required role.
    • role3: Third required role.
    • role4: Fourth required role.
    • role5: Fifth required role.
    /giveaway config winners | Optional winnersvalue
    Set the default number of winners.
    • winnersvalue: The number of winners that will be default for giveaways. Don't specify to reset.
    /giveaway config bypassrole | Optional rolevalue
    Set the default bypass role.
    • rolevalue: The role that will be default bypass role for giveaways.
  • /image category
    Get a random image of anything.
    • category: The category of image that you want to see.
  • /info user | Optional user
    Shows information about a user.
    • user: The user you want information about.

    /info server info
    Shows information about the server.

    /info server assets
    Shows the server image(s).

    /info server badges
    Shows the total of users badges in this server.

    /info channel | Optional channel
    Shows information about a channel. Default to current.
    • channel: The channel you want information about.
    /info role role
    Shows information about a role.
    • role: The role you want information about.
    /info emoji emoji
    Shows information about a emoji.
    • emoji: The emoji you want information about.

    /info bot clusters
    Shows clusters stats.

    /info bot currentcluster
    Shows infos about the current cluster.

  • /invite
    Sends the invitation link of the bot, and some other important links.

  • /kick member | Optional reason
    Kick a user.
    • member: The member to kick.
    • reason: The reason of the kick
  • /leaderboard
    Sends the global leaderboard.

  • /listnsfwcategories
    List all categories for nsfwbomb and sendnude commands, and autoporn categories.

  • /lvlset show
    Shows the current settings of this server.

    /lvlset toggle
    Enable/disable leveling in this server.

    /lvlset setlvl level member
    Set manually the level of a member.
    • level: The level to give to the member.
    • member: The member to update its level. (Min. 1 and max. 9999)
    /lvlset resetlvl member
    Reset level and exp of a selected member.
    • member: The member to reset levels and exp.
    /lvlset resetrep member
    Reset reputation points of a selected member.
    • member: The member to reset reputation points.

    /lvlset resetlvlall
    Reset level and exp of all stored members.

    /lvlset resetrepall
    Reset reputation points of all stored members.

    /lvlset roles mode
    Set if members will only have the higher role reward, or if it will be cumulative.

    /lvlset roles add level role
    Adds a reward role.
    • level: The level on which you want to bind the role.
    • role: The role that will be added for this level.
    /lvlset roles remove level
    Removes a reward role.
    • level: The level on which the role is currently binded.
    /lvlset lvlup destination | Optional thedestination
    Set the destination of level up messages.
    • thedestination: member for member's DMs, current for current lvlup channel, or channel ID/mention.
    /lvlset lvlup message | Optional msg
    Set the level up message
    • msg: You can use `[member]` for member mention, and `[lvl]` for the level the member reached.
    /lvlset exp rate ratevalue
    Set the exp rate/multiplier. From 0.1 to 5.0. Default to 1.0.
    • ratevalue: The exp rate to set.
    /lvlset exp message minimum maximum
    Set how much exp will be given for a message sent.
    • minimum: The minimum exp that will be given. (Max. 200)
    • maximum: The maximum exp that will be given. (Max. 200)
    /lvlset exp cooldown cooldownvalue
    [Server Premium Silver] Set the exp cooldown in seconds. Default to 60.
    • cooldownvalue: The cooldown value (in seconds) to set. Must be between 10s and 21600s. Default is 60.
    /lvlset exp msglength lengthvalue
    [Server Premium Silver] Set minimum message length for exp gain.
    • lengthvalue: The minimum message length value to set. Must be between 1 and 1500. Default is 20.
    /lvlset ignore addchannel channelvalue
    Add a channel where members will not get exp.
    • channelvalue: The channel to add to the ignore list. Must be a text channel.
    /lvlset ignore rmchannel channelvalue
    Remove an ignored channel.
    • channelvalue: The channel to remove from the ignore list. Must be a text channel.
    /lvlset ignore addrole rolevalue
    Add a role where members will not get exp.
    • rolevalue: The role to add to the ignore list.
    /lvlset ignore rmrole rolevalue
    Remove an ignored role.
    • rolevalue: The role to remove from the ignore list.
    /lvlset rep cooldown cooldownvalue
    Set the rep cooldown in seconds.
    • cooldownvalue: The rep cooldown value. Default is 5 minutes (300s).

    /lvlset rep mention
    Set wether or not the rep member will be mentionned.

  • /lvltop
    Shows top 10 of levels of this server.

  • /martine
    Get all informations about Martine.

  • /massban user_ids | Optional days reason
    Mass bans user(s) from the server.
    • user_ids: The user IDs to ban.
    • days: The amount of days of messages to cleanup on massban.
    • reason: The reason of the ban
  • /nsfw | Optional category private
    Get nsfw images of many categories! (Only works in NSFW channels)
    • category: The image category.
    • private: Set to True and the command will only be visible to you.
  • /nsfwbomb | Optional amount category
    Sends multiple nsfw images of different categories! (Only works in NSFW channels)
    • amount: The amount of images. Min 5, max 50.
    • category: The images category.
  • /osu player
    Get a profile card osu! containing stats of a provided player.
    • player: The player you want to see stats of.
  • /payday
    Get some free currency. (Amount between 75 and 125)

  • /ping
    Shows the latency estimation of the bot (for the current cluster).

  • /premium
    Check your Premium status and the one of this server.

  • /premiumclaim
    Claim your Premium rewards.

  • /profile | Optional member
    Shows your profile or the one of another member.
    • member: The member that you want to see the profile of.
  • /profileset show
    Shows your current profile settings.

    /profileset background
    View available profile backgrounds, and change it.

    /profileset color colorvalue
    Set the secondary color. Use color names, or hex codes prefixed with `#`.
    • colorvalue: The color value.
    /profileset description | Optional descriptionvalue
    Change your description. Reset by don't providing a description.
    • descriptionvalue: The description value.

    /profileset resetrep
    Reset your reputation points.

  • /rep member
    Give a reputation point to a member of this server.
    • member: The member to give a reputation point.
  • /reptop
    Shows top 10 of rep of this server.

  • /rlsports | Optional player_id
    Show Rocket League stats in extra modes playlists for you or given player.
    • player_id: lol
  • /rlstats | Optional player_id
    Show Rocket League stats in competitive playlists for you or given player.
    • player_id: lol
  • /roleplay interactiontype member
    Interact with other members.
    • interactiontype: The interaction type.
    • member: The member you want to interact with.
  • /ship firstmember | Optional secondmember
    Shows the love percentage between two persons.
    • firstmember: First member.
    • secondmember: Second member.
  • /slot bid
    Use the slot machine.
    • bid: The amount to bid
  • /slowmode | Optional interval
    Changes channel's slowmode setting.
    • interval: Anything between 0 seconds and 6 hours. Don't input any to disable slowmode.
  • /translate to_language message
    Translate messages with Google Translate.
    • to_language: The language you would like to translate.
    • message: The message to translate, this can be words you want to translate or a message link.
  • /unban user_id | Optional reason
    Unban a user from this server.
    • user_id: The user ID to unban.
    • reason: The reason of the ban
  • /vote
    Sends the links to upvote Martine on bot lists.