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Clawful is an easy to use Discord bot with moderation and fun commands with a cross-server leveling system.

Prefix cw! or mention @Clawful
Library discord.js
Servers 233
Privacy Policy cw!privacy
Owner Ukliz#6961

Configuring Clawful is very easy, you need only a few things:

  1. Create a channel called "modlogs" where the logs for moderation commands will be logged.
  2. Create a "Muted" role for users that have reached the 3 warnings.
  3. (optional) Do you want autoroles? Just set them by using the command !setroles with the id's of the roles separated with a space.

I also answer to mentions @Clawful command arguments

Moderation Commands

  • cw!ban <@user/userID> Bans the user, sending him a message and logging it in ModLogs channel
  • cw!kick Kicks the user, sending him a message and logging it in ModLogs channel
  • cw!warn Warns the user, sending him a message and logging it in ModLogs channel
  • cw!caseid returns message with all the warnings/kicks/bans the user had
  • cw!removewarn <@user/userID> Removes the selected warn from user
  • cw!wipedb Wipes the desired db


  • cw!setroles ... Sets the autoroles for the server
  • cw!autorole |||... Adds autorole to the user


  • cw!cat Sends a random cat pic
  • cw!poll *Creates a poll *
  • cw!rio Information from raider io - World of Warcraft players
  • cw!slots Play Slots
  • cw!rps => !join Two users play rock paper scissiors.
  • cw!latex Sends latex written text
  • cw!8ball Gives you a random 8 ball answer
  • cw!bored Gives you a random activity
  • cw!colors [User Mention] Sends image with the color hex of your or tagged user profile pic
  • cw!delete[User Mention] Sends windows delete of your profile or tagged person
  • cw!devil [User Mention] Sends devil img with your profile pic or tagged person
  • cw!gif [Keyword] Sends random gif with optional keyword
  • cw!lgbt [User Mention] Sends pride profile pic of you or tagged person
  • cw!pixel [User Mention] Sends pixel profile pic of you or tagged person
  • cw!spank Spanks the mentioned user
  • cw!triggered [User Mention] Sends triggered profile pic of you or mentioned person
  • cw!wanted [User Mention] Sends wanted img with your profile or tagged person
  • cw!wasted [User Mention] Sends wasted GTA profile pic of you or tagged person


  • !bet Bet the desired amount of hairs
  • !daily Claim your daily hairs!
  • !lb Sends leaderboard with 5 highest scores
  • !profile Sends the user's profile and updates level roles in Clawful dev server
  • !transfer Transfer the desired amount of hairs to a user


  • cw!help Display command list or info about specific command
  • cw!invite Sends links to invite Clawful and to join the support Discord server
  • cw!policy Display Clawful's privacy policy.