Unlimited Bot is a utility bot that makes it easier to run lots of commands.
Purpose of the bot
Facilitate the execution of many moderation commands, music, and many more!
โ๏ธ | Management - (1)
- config
โ ๐ฎ | Moderation - (6)
- ban, kick, mute, purge, unban, unmute
โ ๐ต | Music - (20)
- afk, join, loop, lyrics, nowplaying, pause, play-sound, play, playlist, queue, remove, resume, search, shuffle, skip, skipto, speed, stop, triggered, volume
โ ๐ | Miscellaneous - (22)
- author, badges, bot-info, bug, coronavirus, discord, emotes, feedback, help, invite, membercount, minecraft-skin, ping, pingfast, poll, roles, server-icon, server-info, system, uptime, user-info, vote
โ ๐ | Fun - (28)
- 8ball, addisonrae, animals, ascii-art, avatar, bellapoarch, belledelphine, bird, cat, charlidamelio, coinflip, dice, dog, emmanuelmacron, facepalm, fox, joke, laugh, love, meme, panda, pikachu, random-number, randomcolor, reverse, send-message, wasted, zaglo
โ ๐ฉ | Experience - (4)
- addxp, leaderboard, level, removexp
- Unlimited Bot Invite: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=704133221230706748&permissions=406796561654&scope=applications.commands%20bot
- Unlimited Bot Official Support Discord Server: https://discord.gg/HcqduKt
- Unlimited Bot Website: https://www.unlimited-bot.xyz