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YesNo is a simple yes/no poll bot for Discord, based on the YesNo bot built into Allo.

Prefix yn.
Bibliotek discord.js
Servrar ???
Ägare @advaith

YesNo is a simple yes/no poll bot created by advaith. It is based on the YesNo bot built into Google Allo, which shut down in March.

YesNo is super easy to use and requires no setup. To create a poll, mention the bot (@YesNo) and ask the question. For example: @YesNo is YesNo the best bot?. Polls will be pinned to the channel so people can easily find them.

You can close a poll (which will unpin it and send the results) by sending yn.close.

The YesNo name, logo, and concept are by Google. This bot is not affiliated with Google.

Slash Commands

  • /close
    Close the currently open poll

  • /forceclose
    Force delete the current poll data, if closing fails

  • /help
    Learn how to use YesNo

  • /ping
    Check how fast YesNo is responding

  • /stats
    See the stats for the currently open poll

  • /subscribe
    Subscribe this channel to YesNo announcements