Strider™s Avatar


Giveaways, Moderation, Logging, AutoMod and More!

Prefix $
Bibliotek discord.js
Servrar ???
Integritetspolicy $privacy
Ägare Maxim K#2090

About The Bot

Strider Is A All In One Giveaway & Modarartion Bot! To See Its Server Set Prefix Use @Strider or $help to see a list of commands which can be located on the Commands Section Below or Our Docs.

Commands: 75
Version: V2.0.3
Default Prefix: $ | Customizeable

General Commands

  • $avatar - Shows User Avatar
  • $server - Shows Server Info & Stats
  • $userinfo - Shows User Info
  • $membercount - Shows Server MemberCount

Giveaway Commands

  • $gstart - Opens The Giveaway Maker!
  • $greroll (Message ID) - Rerolls The Giveaway Winner!
  • $gend (Message ID) - Ends A Giveaway!
  • $gedit (Message ID) - Edits A Message!
  • $glist - Coming Soon!

Moderation Commands

  • $ban (Username) {Reason} - Bans A User
  • $unban (Username) - Unbans A User
  • $mute (Username) {Reason} - Mutes A User
  • $unmute (Username) - Unmutes A User
  • $kick (Username) {Reason} - Kicks A User From The Server
  • $warn (Username) {Reason} - Warns A User
  • $tempban (Username) (Time) - Temporary Ban From Server
  • $tempmute (Username) (Time) - Temporary Mutes A Member
  • $clear (Amount) - Clears Chat
  • $slowmode (Amount) - Turns On Chat Slowmode
  • $lock <#channel> - Locks A Channel
  • $unlock <#channel> - Unlocks A Channel

VoiceMod Commands

  • $deafen (Username) - Deafen A User
  • $undeafen (Username) - Undeafen A User
  • $voicekick (Username) - Voice Kick A User
  • $voicemute (Username) - Voice Mute A User
  • $voiceunmute (Username) - Voice Unmute A User

Music Commands

  • $play (Song) - Plays A Song In Your Current Voice Channel
  • $stop - Stops The Song

Fun Commands

  • $meme - Shows A Random Meme
  • $8ball (Question) (Question) - Ask The 8Ball
  • $happy - Shows Happy Level
  • $hack (Username) (Username) - Hack A User
  • $topic - Starts A Topic
  • $wry - Would You Rather
  • $counflip - Flips Heads Or Tails

Levelling Commands
(Levels Are Per-Server)

  • $rank - Shows Your Level
  • $leaderboard - Shows Server Leaderboard
  • $delete - Delete User Data

Admin Commands

  • $setprefix (New-Prefix) - Changes Default Prefix
  • $shard - Shows Server Shard
  • $dashboard - Admin's Dashboard

Welcome/Leave Messages

  • $welch enable <#channel> - Enables Welcome Messages
  • $welch disable - Disables Welcome Messages
  • $leavech enable <#channel> - Enables Leave Messages
  • $leavech disable - Disables Leavee Messages

Swearing System

  • $swear toggle on - Enables Swear Detection
  • $swear toggle off - Disable Swear Detection
  • $swear add (Word) - Adds A Word To Database
  • $swear delete (Word) - Delete A Swear Word

Logging System

  • $logging enable <#channel> - Enables Logging
  • $logging disable - Disable Logging

Bot Information Commands

  • $info - Shows Bot Info
  • $version - Shows Bot Version
  • $support - Shows Support Info
  • $docs - Shows Our Online Documentation

Utility Commands

  • $help - Brings Up Help Menu
  • $ping - Shows Bot Ping
  • $stats - Shows Strider Stats
  • $docs - Strider Documentation

Tags In This () Are Required, But In This <> They Are Not Required.

Still Need Help? Visit Our Docs at Or Join Our Support Server. Found a Bug Or Security Issue? Contact Us At [email protected]