Statuspages Avatar


Automatically posts incident updates from pages into a specified channel.

Prefix sp! or @Statuspage
Servrar 395
Ägare catshay#0

Slash Commands

  • /about
    Display info about Statuspage

  • /add channel url
    Add a Statuspage to a specific channel
    • channel: The channel to add the Statuspage to
    • url: The URL of the Statuspage (like
  • /config default | Valfri color icon error_channel send_updates
    Change default settings for all incident posts. Use no arguments to show the current configuration
    • color: The default color for embeds/messages
    • icon: The default author icon URL for incident messages, 'none' to reset
    • error_channel: The channel that this bot should send a message to if one of the server's Statuspages has an issue
    • send_updates: Whether to send incident update messages
    /config page url | Valfri color icon add_role remove_role disabled send_updates
    Change settings for a specific Statuspage. Use no arguments to show the current configuration
    • url: The URL of the Statuspage
    • color: The color to use for incident messages
    • icon: The icon URL to use for incident messages, 'none' to reset
    • add_role: Add a role to mention when a new incident is posted
    • remove_role: Stop a role from being mentioned when a new incident is posted
    • disabled: Whether to disable updates from the Statuspage
    • send_updates: Whether to send incident update messages
  • /invite
    Display an invite link for Statuspage

  • /latest | Valfri statuspage
    Get the latest update from a Statuspage
    • statuspage: The Statuspage to get an update from
  • /list
    List all Statuspages in this server

  • /privacy
    Display a link to Statuspage's privacy policy

  • /remove statuspage
    Remove a Statuspage
    • statuspage: The Statuspage to remove