Lobby Finders Avatar

Lobby Finder

A new way for users to open text and voice lobbies directly on your discord server!

Prefix $
Bibliotek discord.js
Servrar ???
Redaktörer ThatNerdPanda#9491


Our bot will help your server users connect with other users in a whole new way. This is the closest you will get to a party or lobby system directly in your Discord server. After inviting the bot and finishing its simple setup, users can create a lobby which creates a new voice and text channel. The new channels are only visible by anyone invited to the lobby by its owner or co-owner.

Users are able to lock and unlock their lobby. They are able to join any open lobby using, and those lobbies get displayed in an automatically created channel. This is only scratching the surface of what our bot is capable of doing! So what are you waiting for, invite the bot into your server today!

Add Bot To Your Server: INVITE NOW

Setup Guides:

Automatic: After inviting the bot, go into your bot-commands channel and run the command $whitelist in this very channel. By default every channel on the server is blacklisted from commands, so choose wisely, which channels you whitelist! Once you have whitelisted that channel run the automatic $setup command to finalize the setup of Lobby Finder bot.

Manual: If you don't want the bot to do all the work for you, run the setup command with the -m flag like this: $setup -m. The bot will then walk you through the setup process.

The whitelist and setup commands require you to have the MANAGE SERVER permission. Make sure you have it before trying to setup the Bot otherwise no commands will work.

All Bot Commands:

Lobby Commands: Short Descriptions:
$color Change the default color of your lobby.
$ctl Central Lobby control command.
$demote Demote Lobby members.
$global List all currently open lobbies on all servers.
$info Return general information about your Lobby, like members, creation date and ID. To get information about another user, use the whois command.
$invite Invite other users to your Lobby. They have to accept the invite before they will be added to your lobby.
$join Send a join request to join another users Lobby.
$kick Kick members from your Lobby.
$link Link your Lobby to other lobbies on other servers.
$list Lobby list command. Returns an overview of all currently open Lobbies on this guild.
$lock Toggle the privacy setting of your Lobby.
$name Rename your Lobby.
$owner Transfer ownership to one of your Lobby members.
$lobby Create a Lobby and invite your friends.
$promote Promote a user to Co-Owner.
$sudo Lobby admin command. Use this to force add and remove users to and from Lobbies. Also allows you to force close Lobbies by ID.
$unlink Unlink your Lobby.
$unlock Toggle the privacy setting of your Lobby.
System Commands: Short Descriptions:
$about Show information about this Bot.
$blacklist Blacklist channels from commands.
$bug Reports a bug to the developer(s).
$help Display available commands and their usage.
$inspector Runs a check on your guilds configuration and tells you what could be improved. This command is used by server owners as a personal debugger
$la Returns your current permission level.
$lobbymsg Post an embed of open Lobbies.
$set View or change settings for your server.
$whois Display information about a mentioned user.

Questions or Need Help:

Join our support server: https://discord.gg/RYpVnUP

Premium Version:

To keep our bot and server updated as much as possible, we need developers, which can cost quite a bit of money. The bot also needs a hosting provider which is a monthly fee, so to combat this we have added in a few sweet features for our premium version of the bot. This is not required to use the bot, but it does give you a few extra perks which are listed below.

  • Custom Lobby Names - Users can change their lobby names using the name command inside their lobby.

  • Custom Lobby Colors - Users can change their lobby embed color using the color command inside their lobby.

  • Global Lobby Linking - Users can link their lobby to another lobby on your server or other premium servers from around the world.

  • Lobby Limit Increase - All lobbies will increase their maximum members allowed to 10 members for every new lobby.

  • Custom Bot Colors - Server owners can change the main embed color using the set command inside their server.

Get These Extras Today: UPGRADE NOW

All premium upgrades are intended for server owners to purchase for their own servers. If you are just looking to use the bot inside a server, it is absolutely free!