Verifications Avatar


Prevent spam-accounts and bots from writing on your server! Everyone must first enter a randomly generated verification code.

Prefix ! (or custom)
Servrar 8 861

Welcome to the Discord-Verification Bot.


With this bot you can prevent spammers and bot accounts from writing on your server. Every new user must first verify himself with a randomly generated code. Only then they can write and read in the channels of the server.
Who doesn't know the annoying advertising with sometimes not so nice content on the Discord servers. This is sent in bulk on public servers.
However, spammers will not solve verification in most cases, since everything usually runs automatically.


How to use and setup
Video tutorial




!add-verification - Add the verification to the channel, where you run the command (makes it a verify-channel)

!remove-verification - Remove the verification (verify-channel) from the channel, where you run the command

!check-verify-channel - Checks if the channel, where you run the command is a verify-channel

!check-verification - Checks whether errors occurred during the setup of the verification (or later) that could cause problems. You should run this command after !add-verification is finished. Note: Not every error is a problem!

!verify-message - Customize the message, when a new user types !verify. You can include the code with {code}. Example: "!verify-message Welcome to the Server! Please verify yourself with the code {code}"

!mverify USERID - Manually verify a user

!unverify USERID - Manually verify a user

!mverify-all - Verify all users on the server

!unverify-all - Unverify all users on the server



!verify - Generates a verification code. Only runs in verify-channel. Message with code will be deleted in 5 minutes.

!verify [NUMBER] - Redeem a generated verification-code

!verification-help - Shows a link to this website



Q: After running !add-verification I only get a message to wait and the bot is typing and after that nothing happens

A: The typing shows, that the bot is currently working. As more channels you have on the server, as longer it can take. (prevent API abuse)


Q: After running !add-verification I get the error "Failed to delete messages! Please ensure, that I have the manage_messages permission and try again."

A: The bot needs the manage_messages permission, because it has to delete messages of other users to keep the verify-channel clean. Give him this permission and try again (it's enought to give him the permission only in the verification-channel (where you runned !add-verification)).

You can use the command "!add-verification -skipmm" to continue without this permission, but this could cause unwanted problems and bugs.


Q: After running !add-verification I get the error "Failed to create "Verified"-Role! Please ensure, that I have the manage_roles permission and try again!"

A: The bot needs the manage_roles permission, because it creates and manages the "Verified" and "Not verified" role on your server. Give him this permission and try again.


Q: After running !add-verification I only get a message to wait and the bot is typing. But it stops and do nothing.

A: Here a more complicated problem has occurred, for which you need our help. Please write a DM to the bot and we will help you.


Q: After running !add-verification I get a message to wait and after that I get the message "An unknown error has occurred. Please contact us via the bot as DM and we will help you."

A: Here a more complicated problem has occurred, for which you need our help. Please write a DM to the bot and we will help you.


Q: After running !add-verification I get the error "Failed to set the permissions for channels [CHANNELS]! Please ensure, that I have the required permissions and check all channels permissions."

A: The bot couldn't set the permissions for these channels right. Please check these channels and set the permissions of "Not verified" and "Verified" by yourself. You DON'T have to re-run !add-verification. You can check that with the command !check-verification


Q: After running !add-verification I get the error "Failed to set the "Verified" role for members [MEMBERS]! Please ensure, that I have the required permissions and check all member roles."

A: The bot couldn't set the "Verified" role for these members right. Please check these member-roles and set the "Verified" role by yourself. You DON'T have to re-run !add-verification.


Q: New joined users don't get the "Not verified"-Role after joining. In this case, the server-owner also gets a DM.

A: Please ensure, that the bot's role is higher than the "Not verified" and "Verified"-Role. An admin can check that with the command !check-verification


Q: New joined users get an error message after redeeming the correct code, that they should contact the administrator. In this case, the server-owner also gets a DM.

A: Please ensure, that the bot's role is higher than the "Not verified" and "Verified"-Role. An admin can check that with the command !check-verification


Q: When I DM the bot, nothing happens

A: Please enable DMs on your server, that the bot and we can answer you.


Q: Which permissions I need to run Admin-Commands?

A: You need ADMINISTRATOR-Permissions to run Admin-Commands.


Q: In the status I see the text "MAINTENANCE" and commands just leave the message "This command is currently blocked due to maintenance work!"

A: If you see this, the bot is currently in maintenance and these commands are blocked to prevent damage on our system and your server. Please wait, until the "MAINTENANCE" status is gone.


Q: I forgot the custom prefix for the bot

A: Just re-invite the bot to your server. It will set the prefix to default (!). Please note, that your custom verify-message also get deleted.