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Eevee's Emote Encyclopedia

EEE is a hub for over 150 emote servers, containing every Pokemon Mystery Dungeon portrait turned into an emote - including Rescue Team DX! We also link other servers with cool emotes!

Dono da lista princess_eev#0
Members 2042
Online 558

A resource for many of your Pokemon emote needs! The encyclopedia's main claim to fame is a network of over 150 servers, with every portrait from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon as an emote - over 7,000 emotes, from all across the series! Don't want to handle messing with all those servers, and just want to pick and choose emotes to add to a few private servers? We help you with that too: a channel links to downloadable ZIP files containing all of the PMD emotes for your convenience!

But the encyclopedia does more than just PMD stuff! You ever see awesome emotes that many people in the server use, but have no clue where they come from? Say no more: we also link to many other servers (streamers' servers and others) that contain many emotes that many members of my main server love!