Linee guida sito

Linee guida del nostro sito

Last updated on the 17th day of March 2024.

Guiding Principle

The guiding principle while using the site that underpins all of our guidelines, is to use common sense at all times.

If you have any concerns, you can email us on [email protected].

Linee guida bot

Listing guidelines

On your bot's listing, please comply with the following guidelines:

  • Your bot must not have an inappropriate avatar or username.
  • La descrizione breve e lunga del tuo bot deve essere correlata al tuo bot. You are allowed to use HTML and Markdown in your bot's long description.
  • Any links on your bot's page must be appropriate and not breach the general principle of these guidelines and our Terms of Service.
  • Any styling or content on your bot's page must not interfere with or negatively impact the functionality of the website.

Additional guidelines

You must also comply with the following guidelines for your bot:

  • Il tuo bot deve seguire i Termini di utilizzo della Discord, i Termini di utilizzo degli sviluppatori e l'Informativa sulla privacy.
  • Il tuo bot non deve rispondere ad altri bot per funzionalità bloccate con autorizzazioni o loopable.
  • Your bot must not go offline for a long period of time and it must be online for the vast majority of time except for maintenance.
  • Il tuo bot non deve fare il ping di @everyone e @here.
  • Your bot must not automatically send messages unless enabled by server admins, such as:
    • Welcome messages,
    • Level-up messages,
    • Advertisements, or
    • Any other form of messages unless invoked by a command.
  • COVID-19 bots are forbidden to prevent the spread of misinformation.

Linee guida server

On your server's listing, please comply with the following guidelines:

  • Your server must not have an inappropriate icon or name.
  • Your server short and long description must be related to your server. You are allowed to use Basic HTML an Markdown in your server's long description.
  • Your server must be well-moderated.
  • Your server must follow the discord Terms of Service and actively enforce it.
  • Any links on your server's page must be appropriate and not breach the general principle of these guidelines and our Terms of Service.

Linee Guida Dei Modelli

On your template's listing, please comply with the following guidelines:

  • Your template must not have an inappropriate icon or name.
  • Your template short and long description must be related to your template. You are allowed to use Basic HTML an Markdown in your template's long description.
  • Your template must follow the discord Terms of Service and actively enforce it.
  • Any links on your template's page must be appropriate and not breach the general principle of these guidelines and our Terms of Service.