Avatar di Groover


24/7 Online. Use Latest Technology To Listen To Music. Music World Is In Your Hands.

Prefisso gr!
Libreria discord.js
Server ???
Proprietario CrazyBotBoy#5694


Thank You For Checking Out Our Bot. Please Read Below For More Information

Features In This Bot

  1. 24/7 Online
  2. High Quality Music Hearing
  3. Easy To Use
  4. Listen To Any Song In The World
  5. 24/7 Active In Voice Channel

Commands Use In This Bot

  • gr!help gr!h : List of all Commands
  • gr!play gr!p : Plays a song
  • gr!radio [radiostation] : Plays a radiostation
  • gr!search : Searches for 15 results
  • gr!nowplaying gr!p : Shows current song
  • gr!pause : Pause The Current Playing Song
  • gr!resume : Resume The Current Song
  • gr!shuffle : Shuffles the queue
  • gr!skip gr!s : Skips current song
  • gr!stop gr!leave : Stops playing and leaves the channel
  • gr!volume
  • gr!queue gr!qu : Shows current Queue
  • gr!loop : Enables loop for off / song / queue
  • gr!lyircs gr!ly : Shows lyrics for this song
  • gr!skipto : Jumps to a queue song
  • gr!uptime : Shows you the Bot's Uptime
  • gr!prefix : Change the bot's prefix

Filter Commands

  • gr!bassboost
  • gr!8D
  • gr!vaporwave
  • gr!nightcore
  • gr!phaser
  • gr!tremolo
  • gr!vibrato
  • gr!surrounding
  • gr!pulsator
  • gr!subboost
  • gr!clear

Thank You For Checking Out