Use * prefix before each command
♦Hill Climb Racing 2 special commands♦ 1)clans 2)invition links (it'll show clan or team names which invitation links are stored in the bot) 3) pit crew(returns image of pit crew) 4) Team 5)♦application (it will show information about how to apply for team)
♦Basic Moderation Commands♦ 1)mute 2)unmute 3)ban 4)clear(no.of messages) 5)kick 6)warn
♦Some other commands♦
- serverinfo
- suggest(send your suggestions)
- Youtuber
- application (use it for more information)
♦Economy commands♦
- work
- shop
- bal (balance)
- ownbal (returns your own balance)
- Daily
- Weekly
- leaderboard 8)addmoney mention user (you need administrative permission)
- count leaderboard
♦Use *lottery commands to know more about it
♦Fun♦ 1)avatar 2)imgtext 3)8ball (ask a question) 4)joke 5)cat 6)dog 7)rep - rep(mention someone) 8)rboard- rboard, it'll return leaderboard of most reputation point members 9)Repoint- Repoint, it'll show how many reputation points you have
♦Help command♦ 1)help 2)invite(sends invitation of bot)
♦Public♦ 1)upvote 2)copyright 3) update (sends latest update info)