We are looking for members to join our staff team, check out the #news channel in our server!

Avatar Chelutu Bot

Chelutu Bot

Chelutu Bot is an easy bot to use designed to increase activity on your Discord server.

Prefix chel!
Library discord.js
Server ???
Pemilik G1cu#1122



Autorole: chel!autorole
Sets a default role for new members (or bots)

Avatar: chel!avatar [user]
Shows yours or someone's profile picture in full size

Botinfo: chel!botinfo
Shows information about me

Help: chel!help
Sends you a message with all of my commands

Knowyourmeme: chel!knowyourmeme [meme]
Shows information about a meme from KnowYourMeme

Osu: chel!osu
Shows an osu! profile

pokedex: chel!pokedex
Shows pokedex's information about a pokémon.

Roleids: chel!roleids
Shows the IDs of the server's roles

Roleinfo: chel!roleinfo <@mention|role id|role name>
Shows information about a specific role.

Serverinfo: chel!serverinfo
Shows information about the server

Stoptyping: chel!stoptyping
Use this if The bot is typing forever

Tmdb: chel!tmdb
Displays the overview of a film/tv show

Topgames: chel!topgames
Shows the most played games in the server.

Weather: chel!weather
Sends over the forecast for the zone specified.