Avatar Pisay-kun


Pisay-kun is a simple and reliable discord music bot. You can play free music on your discord server anytime, anywhere.

Prefix p!
Library Other
Server ???

Welcome to Pisay-kun's Top.gg Page

This bot offers a range of music commands that are simple and easy to use. Just add this bot to get started!

How do I add the bot?

Click the invite this bot button on uppermost portion of this page and select a server you want to add the bot on then click "Authorize"

Playing Music

Just hop on into a voice channel you prefer and type p!play [song name or song URL]

Full list of commands

p!nowplaying - Lets you know what song is currently playing

p!pause - Pauses the music player temporarily

p!queue - Sends the list of songs to be played

p!remove - Removes a song from the queue

p!repeat - Repeats a song or all the songs in the queue [all, one, disable]

p!resume - Resumes the paused music player

p!skip - Skips the next song in the queue

p!stop - Stops the music player (queue will be deleted)

p!volume - Adjusts the volume for all users in the voice channel

p!lyrics - Sends the lyrics of the song currently playing

p!ping - Sends the bot's ping

p!invite - Sends the bot's invite link

p!botinfo - Sends general information about the bot

Type p!help [command] for more information about each command.

Don't forget to vote the bot and leave a review. It really helps out a lot.

Other Music Bot Instances

1. Pisay-kun II

This bot the secondary Pisay-kun music bot so that you can play music on more than one voice channel. It is identical in functionality to Pisay-kun, the only difference being the prefix %. You can add this music bot using this invite link


Currently, the prefix for the music bots is uncustomizable.