Avatar AFK Bot


The ultimate AFK Bot that allows members to monitor the activity of their servers! Allows tracking of member activity

Prefix afk.
Library discord.js
Server ???


The ultimate AFK Bot that allows members to monitor the activity of their servers!

  • Automatic: Setting AFK can be done manually, but if a member doesn't set it, the bot will automatically mark them as AFK after a set period of time! (Default is 24 hours of inactivity)
  • Server Tracking: Track member activity over customizable periods of time and easily identify inactive members
  • Server verification: Tired of dead / spam accounts that join? AFK Bot has the ability to automatically kick accounts who do not have a certain role after a customizable period of time. Captcha solving is supported!
  • Rating System: Grades each member by server activity so you can easily tell whose most active
  • Active Hours: Gives insight on when to plan events to include the most members
  • Ghost Pings: When tagged while AFK, members have the option of receiving a DM linking to the tag as well as some other useful info. So even if the message is deleted, there will still be evidence in DM
  • Custom Name Prefixes: Ability to add a custom prefix to names when a member is marked AFK
  • Custom Roles: Ability to add a role to a member is marked AFK
  • Current Activity: See who's currently active in your server and who's recently inactive at a glance

AFK Premium Features

  • Longer AFK time outs: Up to 7 days
  • Multiple Verification Roles: Choose up to 5 roles for AFK Bot to consider if a member is verified before kicking. Can set AFK Bot to check if a member has all roles or any

Join AFK Bot premium and help support development by becoming a Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/join/afkbot

AFK Stats (afk.stats):


AFK Activity (afk.activity):


Help (afk.help):


AFK Activity (afk.settings):


AFK Activity (afk.ranks):


AFK Activity (afk.verify):

When a member first joins with server verification on:
When a member does not verify within a certain amount of time:


  • Q: Why do I keep getting marked as AFK when I didn't set it?

  • A: AFK Bot sets members AFK when a member has not messaged in the server after a set period of time (guild customizable)

  • Q: How do I disable DMs from the bot?

  • A: You can toggle DMs by typing "afk.dm on" or "afk.dm off" in the server

    • A member has not messaged in the server after a set period of time ( guild customizable )
  • Q: How come there is no graph?

  • A: The bot needs to be in your server for over a day to gather data

  • Q: How to disable welcome messages?

  • A: You can tell the bot to ignore a specific channel, category or the entire server by typing "afk.ignore (channel id/category id/ all)"

  • Q: I'm the owner of a guild, why is my name not getting changed to servers set prefix?

  • A: This is a Discord permissions limitation, the bot cannot change the nickname of a guild owner

  • Q: Why are no ones names updating?

  • A: Most likely AFK Bots role is not high enough in your roles hierarchy

  • Q: How to enable prefixing?

  • A: afk.prefix [AFK]

  • Q: Are longer AFK times supported?

  • A: Free users can have up to 24 hours and premium members up to 7 days