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GhostBot is a discord bot made for Danny Phantom fans.

This bot will fill your voice channel with ghostly sounds and your text channels with ghostly images.

The best part of this bot is that it allows you to read fan comics within discord, the current comics that you can read in discord with this bot are 5 years later and Doppelgänger

Current Command list:

    gb.wail: Gives you a nice ghostly wail
gb.fruitloop: You're one crazed up fruitloop

gb.image: Gives you a random Danny Phantom related image from google
gb.gif: Gives you a random Danny Phantom gif Search the Danny Phantom wiki
gb.wikiuser: Search wikia for users. Your average help command
gb.about: Gives some information about the bot
gb.quote: gives you a random and totally correct Danny Phantom quote

gb.5yl: Allows you to read the 5 years later comic within discord
gb.5ylwiki: Search the 5 years later wiki

gb.iss: Does something