אווטאר של Asuna


A weeb bot that does music and other things

קידומת %
ספריה discord.js
שרתים ???
בעלים Neko Jade#3375


Asuna is a project that has had its ups and downs, but despite that she lives on, she has a range of moderation commands, image commands.

commands available

  • {images} Hug, Slap, Kiss, etc.
  • {moderation} Dm, Say, Kick, Ban, etc.
  • {fun}, 8ball, Ship, Rate
  • {music} play, pause, skip, fuckoff
  • if you enjoy this bot please make sure to vote as it means the world to me
  • new image api for public use https://weebs4life.ga
-Asuna Development Team