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Dead Men is a DMM clan focused on connecting players, and growing the DMM community as a whole.

Listing Owner dropdeadfred#0420
Members 200
Online 40

SERVER DESCRIPTION: This is a Community Discord Server for Old School RuneScape DMM players, both casual and seasonal.

DEADMAN MODE DESCRIPTION: Deadman Mode (DMM) is a variant of Old School RuneScape that released on 29 October 2015. A separate server is hosted featuring an open PvP environment, with some exceptions. Players in-game can speak to Nigel in Lumbridge graveyard for information about Deadman Mode.

Experience gained in Deadman mode is 5x more than usual (10x during the first six hours of gameplay, and 20x during the first 30 minutes); however, experience that is gained from quests will not be multiplied. In addition, experience will not be gained in instanced areas (such as the Nightmare Zone and TzHaar Fight Caves).

Every player begins their adventure at combat level 3, and progress in Old School RuneScape, or any other game (RuneScape 3, RuneScape Classic, etc.), will not be affected. All content is only available to members.

More information on this game mode can be found at: