We are looking for members to join our staff team, check out the #news channel in our server!

Semi-Mnml Pink & White Srvr ✩ ! Alina#9701's Icon

Semi-Mnml Pink & White Srvr ✩ ! Alina#9701

DO NOT﹕repost without proper creds/claim as yours/say you made it/copy/steal/remove credits

Dono da lista ! Alina#9701
Usado 129 vez(es)


Média & Entretenimento

Artes Criativas

Dcr srvr    Ichigo Dcr srvr & Hub Ryiie



︴.crㆍ! Alina#9701

̣  ⌓.ꜛ.⿻﹐Gateway



̣  ﹒╰﹑⟢﹐Important




̣  ▿﹒┄﹒○﹒Bulletin





̣  ⤷.⊃﹒▥﹒Support




̣  ─﹒♡.⇆.ROLES





̣  ⌓.ꜛ.⿻﹐LOUNGE





̣  ﹒╰﹑⟢﹐share





̣  ▿﹒┄﹒○﹒Voice





̣  ⤷.⊃﹒▥﹒Growth






̣  ─﹒♡.⇆.staff




ㆍstaff meeting


don't remove this pls

credits to ! Alina#9701







・Staff Team

・Ping staff if needed

﹒⊃﹒Partner Manager▹DM2PRTNR










[LVL] 60

[LVL] 50

[LVL] 40

[LVL] 30

[LVL] 20

[LVL] 10

[LVL] 5




◌﹒ꜛ﹒dms open

﹑⌓﹒dms closed

◌﹒ꜛ﹒ask to dm









◌﹒ꜛ﹒Other pronouns







◌﹒ꜛ﹒Other gender














﹑⌓﹒New Mail


﹑⌓﹒Owner Pings

◌﹒ꜛ﹒Chat Revive

﹑⌓﹒New Event

◌﹒ꜛ﹒Bump Ping

﹑⌓﹒New Blacklist


new role

new role

new role

new role

new role

new role

new role

new role

Outras Informações

Região: South Korea

Limite de Ausência: 5m

Nível de Verificação: 🔴 Muito Alto

Nível de Notificação: 🔕 Só Menções

Filtro de Conteúdo Explicito: 🔒 Todos os Membros