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Kolay Değil

Anime Discord | Gaming | Social | Fun | LoL community with 240+ emotes, join us today!

Listing Owner gzrxs#0
Members 10,860
Online 72


Here is a list of information regarding Anime Soul!

Anime Soul is the largest anime community on Steam, with more than 200,000 members!

Anime Soul joined Discord in 2017, three years on Discord!

Anime Soul is the biggest official partnered anime community on Discord!

Anime Soul has a super neat website with amazing giveaway system!

Anime Soul will gurantee you 110% anime vibes once you join our community!

Anime Soul will keep you awake at night!

Anime Soul will give you hugs ;)

Anime Soul will help you get the best user experience, our community develops upon the suggestions of our members!

Looking forward to see you join the family! ^_^ <3