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Daily Quotes's Avatar

Daily Quotes

A bot that gives your server DailyQuotes

Prefix /
Library Other
Servers ???
Privacy Policy /support
Owner Tinyy#3205

DailyQuotes: A bot to send quotes to your server. If a channel is set every day at 10 AM UTC a quote will be sent. Built to make setting it up easy view below for the setup guide

/set_channel - Use this to choose your channel. Make sure the bot has permissions in it and you are all set

Other Commands

/info - Sends general information on the bot

/quote - Give you a random quote

/uptime - Gives you the uptime of the bot

/ping - Shows the ping of the bot

/support - Sends you the support server invite

/privacy_policy - Infomation on how we store and what the data is used for

/invite - Invite link for the bot