Discord Extreme List

Discord's unbiased list, giving bots and servers of all sizes a big chance!

Random Bots

ServerStats's Avatar

Shows off your member, channel, role, emoji, boost, and goal cou…

QuickVids's Avatar

QuickVids will automatically convert TikTok links into playable …

HentaiCord's Avatar

Hello, I AM the best NSFW bot to ever grace the earth! 🌍 (inclu…

Zetrox's Avatar

Der Coolste Bot mit Fun und Nützlichen Commands!

Maid's Avatar

A perfect NSFW BOT with images, GIFs and videos to calm your hor…

Vote Manager's Avatar

Vote Manager
The most customizable Vote Tracking Bot you will ever need! Look…

Random Servers

Simple Advertising's Icon

Simple Advertising
📢Simple Advertising is a server that wishes to make Advertising…

Chill Server 🇮🇳's Icon

Chill Server 🇮🇳
This is a multi-purpose discord server for everyone to socialize…

Los Piedrosos Del Patio Trasero's Icon

Los Piedrosos Del Patio Trasero
¿Buscas un servidor amigable e incluyente, donde puedas comparti…

✦˚. ˚|⊱EL REFUGIO- 。゚・|゛ ✦˚'s Icon

✦˚. ˚|⊱EL REFUGIO- 。゚・|゛ ✦˚
server de comunidad sencillo

Random Templates

simple classic template's Icon

simple classic template
small template for gangsters 😎

Twitch Lunkilla90 Com Server's Icon

Twitch Lunkilla90 Com Server
Es ist ein Com Server für die Com, die ich mir Aufbaue mit Twitc…

Comunidad's Icon

Plantilla para empezar a crear tu comunidad.

Local Communities's Icon

Local Communities
Meet up, organize, and stay in touch.