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DeGore's Avatar


Discord's most advanced AI-powered image moderation bot. Finally, time to take a break from manual moderation ;)

Prefix /
Library discord.js
Servers 1,536
Shards 1

Image showcasing DeGore's key features

Image moderation, automated.

Using AI magic, DeGore scans images, GIFs, embeds, image links and thumbnails sent in your discord server and instantly deletes images containing gore, explicit, drug and suggestive imagery in under a second.

Just add the bot to your server, run /setup and you're all set!


/setup - This is an important command to get started with a tailored configuration to fit your server's needs. With just this one command, you can configure a logging channel, whitelisted staff roles, custom actions, and ensure that DeGore has the adequate permissions to protect your community. Administrators and the Server Owner are the only members that can run this command.

/help - Get a list of all of DeGore's commands, with an intuitive selection system.

/privacy - Get a link to our website to read our Privacy Policy.

/stats - Instantly get statistics regarding DeGore and your server. View the image scans you have remaining, your current subscription tier (if any), the images scanned and deleted, as well as the advanced statistics for insights on the most commonly deleted image categories. Users with the Manage Messages permission are the only members that can run this command.

/config logging - Easily set a logging channel for DeGore to send important alerts to. For instance, you'll receive alerts whenever an image is deleted, an auto-timeout/kick/ban takes place or for detection categories in which you set the action to just alert the moderators. Users with the Administrator permission are the only members that can run this command.

/config images - Configure the categories of images DeGore will moderate, and the actions that should be taken for each category. Users with the Administrator permission are the only members that can run this command.

/config staff - Quickly view, add or remove up to 5 roles at a time from the staff whitelist. Users with the Administrator permission are the only members that can run this command.

/whitelist - Quickly view, add or remove images that are in the whitelist. Images in the whitelist will be completely ignored by DeGore and will not be deleted no matter what. It is recommended to use the whitelist if DeGore accidentally deletes a safe image. Users with the Manage Messages permission are the only members that can run this command.

/blacklist - Quickly view, add or remove images that are in the blacklist. Images in the blacklist will be immediately deleted by DeGore no matter what. It is recommended to use the blacklist if you want to prevent a specific image from being sent. Users with the Manage Messages permission are the only members that can run this command.

Check the bot's server status and uptime anytime here!

You can also check out the our only official website at: