AdvaithBot's Avatar


A cool multipurpose bot with commands for fun, animals, searching, utility, text, info, moderation, urls, and emoji.

Prefix /
Library discord.js
Servers 6,099
Shards 6
Owner advaith#0

AdvaithBot is a multipurpose Discord bot.

AdvaithBot has received a huge update with lots of new commands and features! Check them out!

Add AdvaithBot to your server!



AdvaithBot primarily uses slash commands, but it also has context menu commands for users and messages.

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🖥 System Commands

Command Description
/help Sends the command list
/invite Sends the link to add the bot
/ping 🏓 Checks how fast the bot is responding
/subscribe Get AdvaithBot news delivered to your channel
/support Sends the link to the AdvaithBot server

🤣 Fun Commands

Command Description Arguments
/8ball 🎱 Ask the 8ball a question! Your question (Required)
/acronym Generates an acronym meaning for a word Word or words to make a meaning for (Required)
/blurplefy Blurplefy someone's avatar! User whose avatar to blurplefy (Required)
/changemymind Make a Change My Mind meme Text to put on the poster (Required)
/cleverbot Talk to Cleverbot! What you want to say (Required)
/flip Flip a coin! none
/invert Invert someone's avatar! User whose avatar to invert (Required)
/reverse Reverses provided text Text to reverse (Required)
/trbmb That really _____ my _____ none
/triggered Trigger a user User whose avatar to trigger (Required)
/trump Make Trump tweet something Text to tweet (Required)
/wanted Make a wanted poster User whose avatar to put on the poster (Required)

🐱 Animal Commands

Command Description
/bird Sends a random bird pic
/cat Sends a random cat pic
/dog Sends a random dog pic
/duck Sends a random duck pic or gif
/fox Sends a random fox pic
/redpanda Sends a random red panda pic

Command Description
/ddg Searches DuckDuckGo
/urban Searches Urban Dictionary
/yt Searches YouTube

⚙️ Utility Commands

Command Description Arguments
/air Get the air quality somewhere Zip code of location to get air quality for (Required)
/discrim Find users with a certain discriminator (#XXXX) Discriminator to search for (Optional, defaults to yours)
/embed Says what you want in an embed What you want it to say (Required)
/haste Uploads code to hastebin Code to upload (Required)
/hook Sends your message as a webhook What you want it to say (Required)
/portmanteaus Make portmanteaus with a provided word Word to make portmanteaus with (Required)
/react Add a reaction to a message Message ID (Required), Emoji to react with (Required)
/rhymes Get rhymes for a provided word Word to get rhymes for (Required)
/say Makes the bot say something What you want it to say (Required)
/imgur Upload an image to Imgur URL to image, or attach image (Required)
/translate Translate text to any language using Google Translate Language name or 2-letter code to translate to (Required), text to translate (Required)

📝 Text Commands

For all text commands, the argument is the text to manipulate.

Command Description
/bend ʍąҟҽʂ աҽìɾժ էҽ×է Ӏìҟҽ էհìʂ
/bubbles ⓟⓤⓣⓢ ⓣⓔⓧⓣ ⓘⓝ ⓑⓤⓑⓑⓛⓔⓢ
/fliptext uʍop ǝpısdn ʇxǝʇ sdılɟ
/mirror ƚxɘƚ ꙅɿoɿɿim
/tiny ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴛᴇxᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛɪɴʏ ᴄᴀᴘꜱ
/zalgo m̷̳͌a̴̱͛k̷͇̐ë̵̥́s̶̰̀ ̴̨̇z̶̙̆a̵̝̓l̴͇̀ǧ̸̯o̸̞̅ ̶́͜ť̵̤ë̸̼́x̸̯̊t̷̬͒

ℹ️ Info Commands

Command Description Arguments
/appinfo Shows some information about a developer application The application ID (Required)
/inviteinfo Shows some information about an invite The invite code or link (Required)
/serverinfo Shows some information about the server none
/userinfo Information about a user or yourself User mention or ID (optional)

🔨 Moderation Commands

Command Description Arguments Required Permission
/ban Swings the almighty ban hammer on a user 🔨 User (Required), Reason (optional), Delete Messages (optional), DM (optional) Ban Members
/freeze Blocks everyone from sending messages None Manage Roles
/kick Kicks a user User (Required), DM (optional) Kick Members
/purge Deletes a specified amount of chat messages. Number of messages (Required) Manage Messages
/role Adds a role to or removes a role from a user [add | remove] (Required), User (Required), Role (Required) Manage Roles
/slowmode Set the channel message cooldown (per user) Number of seconds or "off" (Required) Manage Channels
/timeout Temporarily mute a user User (Required), Duration (required) Timeout Members
/unban Unbans a user User (Required), Reason (optional) Ban Members
/unfreeze Unfreezes your server none Manage Roles

🔗 URL Shortener Commands

For all URL Shortener commands, the argument is the URL to shorten.

Command Description
/isgd Shortens a URL using
/tinyurl Shortens a URL using TinyURL
/vgd Shortens a URL using

😀 Emoji Management Commands

All Emoji Management commands require the Manage Emojis permission.

Command Description Arguments
/deleteemoji Deletes a custom emoji Emoji (Required)
/emoji Creates a custom emoji Emoji name (Required), Image URL or attach image (Required)
/renameemoji Renames a custom emoji Emoji (Required), New name (Required)

Slash Commands

  • /8ball question
    🎱 Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question!
    • question: Your question
  • /acronym acronym
    Generate an expansion for an acronym
    • acronym: The acronym to expand
  • /air zip
    Get the air quality from
    • zip: The ZIP Code to get the air quality of
  • /appinfo appid
    Get information about a Discord Developer Application
    • appid: The ID of the application to show the info of
  • /ban user | Optional reason delete-days
    🔨 Swing the almighty ban hammer on a user
    • user: Who should be banned? (Select a user or enter a name or ID)
    • reason: Why are you banning this user?
    • delete-days: How many days of this user's messages should be deleted? (Default 0)
  • /bend text
    ʍąҟҽ աҽìɾժ էҽ×է Ӏìҟҽ էհìʂ
    • text: The text to bend
  • /bird
    🐦 Get a random bird pic

  • /blurplefy | Optional user
    Blurplefy someone's avatar
    • user: The user whose avatar to blurplefy, defaults to yourself
  • /bubbles text
    ⓟⓤⓣ ⓣⓔⓧⓣ ⓘⓝ ⓑⓤⓑⓑⓛⓔⓢ
    • text: The text to put in bubbles
  • /cat
    🐱 Get a random cat pic

  • /changemymind opinion
    Make a Change My Mind meme
    • opinion: The opinion to show on the paper
  • /cleverbot say
    Talk to Cleverbot!
    • say: What you want to say
  • /ddg query
    Search DuckDuckGo
    • query: The query to search for
  • /deleteemoji emoji
    Delete a custom emoji in this server
    • emoji: The emoji to delete
  • /discrim | Optional discrim
    Find users with a certain discriminator (#XXXX)
    • discrim: Discriminator to search for (defaults to yours)
  • /dog
    🐶 Get a random dog pic

  • /duck | Optional filter
    🦆 Get a random duck pic or gif
    • filter: Filter what type of image is returned
  • /embed text
    Send text in an embed
    • text: The text to send in an embed
  • /emoji name image
    Create a custom emoji from an image URL
    • name: The name of the emoji
    • image: The URL of the emoji image
  • /flip
    🪙 Flip a coin!

  • /fliptext text
    uʍop ǝpısdn ʇxǝʇ sdılℲ
    • text: The text to flip
  • /fox
    🦊 Get a random fox pic

  • /freeze
    Block everyone from sending messages

  • /help
    Start here! See the bot's intro and command list.

  • /hook text
    Send a message with a webhook, letting you use [text](links)
    • text: The text to send
  • /invert | Optional user
    Invert someone's avatar
    • user: The user whose avatar to invert, defaults to yourself
  • /invite
    Add the bot to a server

  • /inviteinfo invite
    Get an invite's information
    • invite: The link or code of the invite to show the info of
  • /isgd url
    Shorten a URL with
    • url: The URL to shorten
  • /kick member | Optional reason
    Kick a member from this server
    • member: Who should be kicked? (Select a member or enter a name or ID)
    • reason: Why are you kicking this user?
  • /mirror text
    ƚxɘƚ ɿoɿɿim
    • text: The text to mirror
  • /nick | Optional new_nick
    Change your nickname
    • new_nick: New nickname
  • /ping
    🏓 Check how fast the bot is responding

  • /portmanteaus word
    Make blends of a provided word and other words
    • word: The word to make portmanteaus with
  • /purge amount
    Deletes a specified amount of chat messages
    • amount: The number of messages to delete (1-100)
  • /rabbit
    Unfortunately, this command has been removed.

  • /react messageid emoji
    React to a message as the bot
    • messageid: The ID of the message to react to
    • emoji: The emoji to react with
  • /redpanda
    Get a random red panda pic

  • /renameemoji emoji newname
    Rename a custom emoji in this server
    • emoji: The emoji to rename
    • newname: The new name this emoji should have
  • /reverse text
    Reverse some text
    • text: The text to reverse
  • /rhymes word
    Find words that rhyme with a provided word
    • word: The word to find rhymes for
  • /role add user role
    Add a role to a user
    • user: The user to add the role to
    • role: The role to add to the user
    /role remove user role
    Remove a role from a user
    • user: The user to remove the role from
    • role: The role to remove from the user
  • /say text
    Make the bot say something
    • text: What you want it to say
  • /serverinfo
    Get information about this server

  • /slowmode seconds
    Set the channel's slowmode (message cooldown)
    • seconds: The number of seconds a user will have to wait, from 0 (off) to 21600 (6 hours)
  • /source message | Optional just-content
    Show the JSON source or raw content of a message (best on desktop/web)
    • message: The ID of the message to send the source of, must be in this channel
    • just-content: Whether to just send the content instead of the full message data (default false)
  • /subscribe
    Subscribe this channel to AdvaithBot announcements

  • /support
    Get the link to the AdvaithBot server

  • /timeout user duration | Optional reason
    Temporarily mute a user, blocking them from sending messages, reacting, and speaking.
    • user: Who should be muted? Select or type a user.
    • duration: How long should the user should be muted? (up to 28 days or "end", ex: "1d 2h 5m 30s")
    • reason: Why are you muting this user?
  • /tiny text
    ᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴇxᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘꜱ
    • text: The text to turn into ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘꜱ
  • /tinyurl url
    Shorten a URL with TinyURL
    • url: The URL to shorten
  • /translate language text
    Translate text to any language using Google Translate
    • language: The language to translate the text to
    • text: The text to translate
  • /trbmb
    That really _____ my _____

  • /triggered | Optional user
    Trigger someone
    • user: The user to trigger, defaults to yourself
  • /trump text
    Make Trump tweet something
    • text: Text to tweet
  • /unban user | Optional reason
    Unban a user from this server
    • user: Who should be unbanned? (Select a user or enter a name or ID)
    • reason: Why are you unbanning this user?
  • /unfreeze
    Undoes /freeze

  • /urban word
    Search Urban Dictionary
    • word: The word to search for
  • /userinfo | Optional user
    Get a user's information
    • user: The user (or user ID) to show the info of, defaults to you
  • /vgd url
    Shorten a URL with
    • url: The URL to shorten
  • /wanted | Optional user
    Make a wanted poster for someone
    • user: The user who is wanted, defaults to yourself
  • /yt query
    Search YouTube for a video
    • query: The query to search on YouTube
  • /zalgo text
    m̷̳͌a̴̱͛k̷͇̐ë̵̥́ ̴̨̇z̶̙̆a̵̝̓l̴͇̀ǧ̸̯o̸̞̅ ̶́͜ť̵̤ë̸̼́x̸̯̊t̷̬͒
    • text: The text to zalgo-ify