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Avatar de Koal


The One Stop Shop for all your ROBLOX Group needs! ROBLOX Verification, Moderation, and more!

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Dono and#1000


The One Stop Shop for all your ROBLOX Group needs! ROBLOX Verification, Moderation, and more!

🦾 Koal is a bot attempting to revolutionize how ROBLOX groups interact with their Discord Servers. With Koal, you can easily get rid of ROBLOX Verification, Suggestions, and Moderation Bots.

Koal's Features

  • Hosting on dedicated servers in the ☁️, which makes it fast and snappy! Along with that snazzy 99.98% uptime.
  • 🆕 Updates weekly!
  • We have 📢 Announcing, 📌 Suggesting, 🔑 ROBLOX Verification, and more!

In our 💁 Support Server, we often implement many of our user's suggestions. If there's a feature you want, join our server!