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Get notifications to your favorite anime/manga/light novel new episodes/chapters. Watch, read, vote ,meme commands and more!

Prefixo pew
Biblioteca discord.py
Servidores ???
Política de Privacidade pew privacy
Dono Mudy#3585

Have you been tired of not receiving any notifications when your favorite anime/manga/light novel releases a new episode/chapter ?

Then pew is perfect for you pew can notify you the moment a new episode/chapter releases! Your server will receive a link to the latest episode/chapter so you can start watching/reading directly with no interruptions! You can also make it ping any role and even has an automatic reaction role message!

For mangadex users you can add your mangadex list to the notification list directly with just a link! do pew md setup to start!

read below for more examples!

Websites used:

  • Anime: 9anime
  • Manga: mangadex,mangatx,manganelo
  • light novel: wuxiaworld
you can switch websites by doing pew settings

Examples for a Manga:

  • pew add solo leveling

    adds solo leveling to the server list

  • pew ping @role solo leveling

    When a new chapter releases, pew will ping @role

  • pew role

    shows a reaction role message to assign roles to users

    reaction role message
  • pew list

    shows your server's anime,manga and light novel list


Example to watch/read an anime or manga

  • pew watch 55 naruto

    get a link to watch naruto episode 55!

  • pew read 125 solo leveling

    get a link to read chapter 125 of solo leveling

  • pew read latest attack on titan

    get a link to read the latest chapter of attack on titan


Examples for the voting system:

You can use this system to make users vote for wich anime should be notified, or for all sorts of uses like to know your server's favorite anime/manga/novel

  • pew vote anime naruto

    Votes for naruto(anime)

  • pew votes

    Shows server's vote ranking.

  • list

for more help on commands do :  pew help