אווטאר של Jasmine


Jasmine Provides a fun economy and RPG game developed by Mirabellier where you can fight Anime character bosses, win Anime character images, and fight with other players.

J. קידומת
discord.js ספריה
942 שרתים
1 Shards


A Discord bot developed by Mirabellier for fun. It contains a variety of commands from utilities, games to music commands.

Available Commands:

[✨] utility donate, emote, help, invite, ping, and more..

[🎩] economy activeitem, balance, beg, business, buy, and more..

[🎮] games coinflip, hangman, roulette, rps, scramble, and more..

[🎮] level background, leaderboard, profile, setinfo

[🎶] music loop, nowplaying, pause, play, queue, and more..

[👹] rpg bag, battle, equip, market, profile, and more..

[📚] info avatar, botinfo, roleinfo, servericon, serverinfo, and more..

[📷] image manipulation blur, comment, glass, greyscale, invert, and more..

[📸] picture anime, art, cat, dog

[⚙] moderation ban, kick, logging, purge, snipe

[🤣] meme boyfriend, changemymind, drake, pooh, scroll, and more..

[🤺] actions clap, cry, dance, facepalm, glare, and more..

[🧩] fun 8ball, sphere, advice, allignment, love, and more..