Avatar de Zapper


A multipurpose discord bot made by Youtuber ImJasonMC as a hobby.

Prefixo z!
Biblioteca discord.py
Servidores ???
Política de Privacidade z!privacypolicy


Zapper is a multi-purpose discord bot coded in the python language. Programming is one of my favorite things to do and this is one of the best project that I have worked on and I'm glad to finally share it with the public!

What Does Zapper Offer?

Zapper offers over 30+ commands divided into categories such as:

  • FUN

And we are working on more commands weekly!!

Our Key Features

Some of our best feature consist of:

  • Interactive giveaway Command
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors Command
  • TicTacToe Command
  • Scheduling Announcements Command

What Are You Waiting For, Invite Zapper Today!!