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Avatar de Helper


Helper is an amazing Ticket Bot that is fully customizable and easy to use.

Prefixo - or @helper
Biblioteca Other
Servidores ???
Dono doge#1234

Trusted We do not sell your data or use our sites to show ad's as we care about you the users.

Multipurpose Helper has many features that will help manage your server such as reaction roles, color roles, welcome/goodbye messages and more!

Completely Free Helper is one of the few bots in the discord bot universe where we offer no services that are paid because we want our users to be able to use all the features possible.

We have all the features that you want We have a wide variety of commands that will propel your server to the next level. You can see important information like documentation about certain libraries and languages, you can manage roles and their colors, and all of this is fully customizable for a fully bespoke experience for you the user.

Intuitive Services Helper has many ways to create support tickets for your users and all of them have usability in mind. Here we have a panel that comes up when someone creates a ticket so Support Members can easily "claim" a ticket and become the designated support member. This makes sure that your clientele always know who's providing them with support.

** Why is helper so great? ** Helper has many features that make it one of the fastest and most performant bots out there. Helper was coded by a dedicated group of skilled programmers. It is hosted on a low latency vps provided by It has a dedicated support team ready to help you if anything goes wrong