Avatar de GoldWolf


I'm a wolf, to get help use the command </help:1193177148622635098>.*Created by @black_wither*

Prefixo /
Biblioteca discord.js
Servidores 18
Política de Privacidade /privacy

GoldWolf Bot

GoldWolf Bot - Your Wolvesville Companion

GoldWolf is a versatile Discord bot designed to interact with the Wolvesville API, bringing Wolvesville game-related functionalities right to your server.


  • /help - Displays all available commands.
  • /bot-info - Provides essential information about the bot.
  • /ping - Shows the bot's ping.
  • /search-player [name] - Searches for a Wolvesville player by name.
  • /search-clan [name] - Searches for one or more Wolvesville clans by name.
  • /verify-setup - Sets up a verification process where users must verify their Wolvesville account to gain access to a specific role.

Feel free to invite GoldWolf to your server and enjoy Wolvesville-related features seamlessly integrated into your Discord experience!