Noti keeps you connected with real-time notifications from Twitch, Kick, and more.
Notification Customizer
Syncable Roles
Live Role
I found a bug with Noti, where do I go to report this issue?
Visit our support server and create a ticket and describe the issue you're having. A staff member will get to you as soon as possible.
How do I give feedback to Noti?
Great question! We love feedback from the community. You can submit feedback through by visiting this link. Simply fill in the required detail and click "Create Post".
Error sending live nootification.
If a bot can't send messages to a notification channel, it may be missing permissions. To fix this, add the bot or a relevant role to the channel and ensure they have "view channel" and "send messages" permissions with a green checkmark.
How do I setup Noti?
It's very simple actually, we have a whole page dedicated in setting up Noti. You can visit it here.
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Made by KaspianDev