𝙏̳𝙝̳𝙚̳ ̳𝙈̳𝙮̳𝙨̳𝙩̳𝙞̳𝙘̳𝙖̳𝙡̳ ̳𝙇̳𝙖̳𝙣̳𝙙̳𝙨 The Mystical Lands is a D&D-inspired roleplay server with a highly developed game world, character creation system, story, and magic system. Features: ̳𝙼̳𝚊̳𝚐̳𝚒̳𝚌̳
- 128 spells that your character can learn, and counting
- Several magic types to learn
- A unique magic system in development that will allow for near-infinite spell combinations once completed ̳𝙲̳𝚑̳𝚊̳𝚛̳𝚊̳𝚌̳𝚝̳𝚎̳𝚛̳ ̳𝙲̳𝚛̳𝚎̳𝚊̳𝚝̳𝚒̳𝚘̳𝚗̳
- 8 races, 6 classes, and 21 subclasses to choose from (and a few hidden ones as well)
- A flexible character creation system that can take less than 5 minutes or more than 1 hour depending on your preference
- A completely custom ability
- All the normal roleplay game customization, like appearance, alignment, etc ̳𝙾̳𝚝̳𝚑̳𝚎̳𝚛̳
- Real-time combat gameplay
- An open world with a huge amount to explore
- A story and world that has been developed for 3 years
- Loads of NPCs, all with their own unique personality and traits
- Pets, enemies and quests
- Easter eggs, lore and secrets, of course
The one thing we're missing is more players. I hope you'll consider joining! If you have any questions, feel free to DM Wither#7146 or burrito1#4529 .