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Evocation is a community server that concentrates on the genre of fantasy within speculative fiction.

Listázó Tulajdonos Ace#1406
Tagok 35
Online 7


Média & Szórakozás

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Tudomány & Techologia

Evocation is a non-toxic community server that concentrates on the genre of fantasy within speculative fiction. We have a plethora of channels in relevance to subgenres, including high fantasy, low fantasy, dystopian fantasy, and magical realism. Our mission is to establish a community where unity converges with differing perceptions.

We have custom bots designed especially for Evocation that are tied to engaging lore and serve a multitude of purposes. They are updated regularly, too, by our development team that are always looking for feedback.

Evocation runs a Twitter account (@EvocationServer) that we use for special announcements/anything that is of relevance to current happenings in our server. Follow us for updates!