Slashtags avatárja


Slashtags is a simple slash command tag bot for Discord.

Könyvtár discord.js
Szerverek ???
Tulajdonos @advaith

Slashtags is a simple slash command tag bot.

  • Use /create to create a tag, /edit to edit a tag, and /delete to delete a tag.
  • All created tags will show when a user types /, making them easy to discover.
  • The Manage Server permission is required to manage tags.
  • Due to Discord limits, you can create up to 100 Slashtags. Slash commands do not show in servers with over 50 bots.

Perjeles parancsok

  • /create name description content | Opcionális ephemeral
    Slashtags: Create a new Slashtag
    • name: The name of the Slashtag (1-32 characters)
    • description: The description of the Slashtag (1-100 characters)
    • content: The text to respond to this Slashtag with (1-2000 characters)
    • ephemeral: Whether this Slashtag response should only be visible to the command user (default false)
  • /delete name
    Slashtags: Delete a Slashtag
    • name: The name of the Slashtag to delete
  • /edit name | Opcionális newname description content ephemeral
    Slashtags: Edit a Slashtag
    • name: The (current) name of the Slashtag to edit. After entering, click the property(ies) to edit above.
    • newname: The new name of this Slashtag (1-32 characters)
    • description: The new description of this Slashtag (1-100 characters)
    • content: The new text to respond to this Slashtag with (1-2000 characters)
    • ephemeral: Whether this Slashtag response should only be visible to the command user
  • /help
    Slashtags: Learn how to use Slashtags!

  • /ping
    Slashtags: Check the bot's response time