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Helix Music avatárja

Helix Music

A High Quality Music bot to give the best audio when playing music, Also has radio feature.

Előtag h$
Könyvtár discord.js
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Adatvédelmi Szabályzat h$stats
Tulajdonos asmodeus_dev#0

Helix Music

Welcome to Helix Music.

This is a High Quality Music bot designed to give the best quality of audio to people when they play a song or use the bot's radio feature. The bot runs 24/7 and is made to let you enjoy all the music you want at any time. It has bulit in Bass for those who love music with extra bass.

Helix Music has

Active support staff, All sorts of music features to mess with including radio, Radio has an ability to do 24/7 mode (Simply do h$radio (genre like hip hop), and more.

So what are you waiting for? Invite the bot today.