Soundboard Bot avatárja

Soundboard Bot

Create a custom soundboard for your server. It's like custom emoji but for sounds.

Előtag /
Könyvtár discord.js
Szerverek 8 858

Create a custom soundboard for your server!

Upload any audio file: /add airhorn file.mp3

Play a sound: /play airhorn

  • Up to 300 custom sounds
  • Up to 9 minutes per sound
  • Up to 100 minutes total



Play sound: /play <name>

List sounds: /list [page]

Add sound: /add <name> <file> [start] [end]

Rename sound: /rename <oldname> <newname>

Remove sound: /remove <name>

Join VC: /join

Disconnect: /disconnect

Get sound: /get <name>

Settings: /settings (delete|sort|roles)