Avatar de JoshieBot


JoshieBot is being developed to bring all the features you love into one place. Commands include uses for moderation, information, and fun.

Prefixo j!
Biblioteca discord.py
Servidores ???
Política de Privacidade http://joshiebot.com/privacy

JoshieBot is a new discord bot designed to improve you Discord experience.

Used in 69 servers and trusted by over 100,00 members.

Commands for Moderation, Fun, Information, Utility and Pokémon.

Commands include:

  • j!cat - Cat pictures
  • j!dog - Dog pictures
  • j!coinflip - Flip lots of coins
  • j!inspire - Food for the soul
  • j!hypixel - Player's hypixel stats
  • j!mcserver - Minecraft server info
  • j!pokemon - Pokemon info
  • j!toxic - Checks if a message sounds toxic
  • j!crypto - Cryptocurrency information
  • j!definition - Discord dictionary
  • j!html - Return a site's html
  • j!pfp - Find a users profile picture
  • j!rcolor - Returns a random hex color
  • j!role - Gets info on a role
  • j!server - Gets server info
  • j!stocks - Gets info about a stock
  • j!textgen - Generates text based on input
  • j!translate - Translate from over 90 languages to any other
  • j!user - Gets user information
  • j!botsuggest - Suggest bot features
  • j!prefix - Configure the servers prefix
  • j!suggest - Make a server suggestion, if the server has a #suggestions channel
  • j!onewordstories - Name a channel one-word-stories
  • j!tic - Play tic-tac-toe against an opponent
  • j!ban - Bans a user
  • j!kick - kicks a user
  • j!poll - Polls a channel
  • j!giveaway - Start a giveaway
  • j!setprefix - Set's the server prefix
  • j!accept - Accept a suggestion
  • j!deny - deny a suggestion