Tree Farmer avatárja

Tree Farmer

Tree Farmer is your next level game on Discord. Build a tree farm, sell logs and increase your wealth and prestige.

Előtag /
Könyvtár discord.js
Szerverek ???
Tulajdonos fyrlex#0
Szerkesztők 53P#0036


A game on Discord unlike no other, Tree Farmer brings an original bot to your server that cannot be found anywhere else.


Tree Farmer uses Slash Commands and Buttons to make it simple for you to grind the game and not forget what to do.


In the near future, events will be hosted where farmers can earn real life rewards for playing the game.

Getting Started

Begin by adding Tree Farmer to your server and typing /start to create your awesome tree farm. Use /help to view all commands or type / and select Tree Farmer

Basic Commands

  • /buy
  • /plant
  • /cut
  • /deliver


Tree Farmer has a well designed website and documentation for your convenience.

Join the Community Server for updates and friendly people!

Perjeles parancsok

  • /balance
    Quickly view your balance

  • /buy | Opcionális option
    Buy various things for your tree farm
    • option: Options to buy
  • /cut
    Send all available cutters to cut your grown trees

  • /cutters
    View and manage the cutters of your farm

  • /daily
    Claim your daily gift

  • /deliver
    Send all available vehicles to deliver logs from your storage

  • /farm | Opcionális name
    View information of your tree farm
    • name: Set the name of your tree farm - Cost: $10K per rename - Max 16 Characters
  • /gifts
    View and manage your gifts

  • /help | Opcionális command
    Tree Farmer Help Menu
    • command: Tree Farmer Command Details
  • /info
    View information about Tree Farmer

  • /invite
    Invite Tree Farmer to your server

  • /leaderboard | Opcionális category
    View leaderboards on Tree Farmer
    • category: View other kinds of leaderboards
  • /open open
    Open a gift from your gift inventory
    • open: Open a gift
  • /plant
    Plants a sapling that will grow into a beautiful tree

  • /plots
    View and manage the plots of your tree farm

  • /start
    Start your adventure of tree farming

  • /storage
    View and manage the storage of your tree farm

  • /tree
    View your information of the kind of tree that grows on your farm

  • /upgrade | Opcionális option
    Upgrade various parts of your tree farm
    • option: Options to upgrade
  • /vehicles
    View and manage vehicles of your tree farm

  • /vote
    Vote for Tree Farmer to get bonus rewards